
Wu Lei大声说出来:出国留学以立足于中国足球的希望


24 Live Network Xun Wu Lei接受了《足球周刊》的独家访谈。在谈论年轻人出国留学的问题时,他说,只有当更多的人敢于出去并在欧洲联赛中立足时,中国足球才有希望。

Wu Lei said: "If young Chinese players have the opportunity to study abroad, they should still stick to going abroad. If you have higher pursuits for your career or want to make faster progress, playing football in a high-level league abroad is the best way. I have been abroad for a few years and am very aware of the difficulties in unfamiliar environments, on the court, on the training ground, and on the trivial matters of daily life. If you cannot overcome these difficulties, you将无法赢得对教练,队友和球迷的认可,您将无法真正提高自己的水平。

我希望我们的年轻球员能够增强自己的信念,看一个更高的阶段,并准备在遇到正确的机会时应对困难。只有当更多的人敢于出去并有信心在欧洲联赛中立足,中国足球才有希望。 “坍塌
